
Nematode Management


  • Nematodes generally do not cause severe damage to sorghum crop.
  • A few species of nematodes are widely associated with sorghum in Tamil Nadu.

Reniform Nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis)

Stage And Symptoms

  • The adult male is long and vermiform whereas the female is kindney shaped.
  • Female remains attached to the host roots with its anterior end burried into the tissues and feed on cell contents.
  • The heavy infestation results in stunted growth and plants become unhealthy.

Lesion Nematode (Pratylenchus zeae)

Stage And Symptoms

  • The adults and young ones enter the roots and feed on cell contents.
  • The infection predisposes the plants to fungal attack.
  • The combined action of nematode and the pathogen causes conspicuous brown lesions in the roots.
  • The affected roots finally die resulting in stunted growth of the plant.

Management Practices

  • Summer ploughing reduces the nematode population.
  • Treat the seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 10 g/ kg of seeds.

