
Intercultural Operations

Irrigation Weed Control Staking Pruning


  • Tomatoes need very careful irrigation that is just sufficient water at the right time.
  • It has been observed that the water-table of an area plays an important part in meeting the moisture needs of this crop.
  • It is necessary to maintain an even moisture supply.
  • Over watering is as harmful as insufficient irrigation. Young plants should be watered only when they apparently need it.
  • Therefore, staked crops will need water every five to seven days and ground crops every ten days.
  • A period of drought followed by sudden heavy watering during the fruiting period may cause cracking of fruits.
  • During summer season, irrigation at every 3 to 4 days interval is necessary, whereas in winter 10 to 15 days interval is sufficient.


Weed Control

  • Tomato plants require frequent shallow cultivation, especially during their first four weeks in the field. The surface soil is loosened by hand hoeing as soon as it is dry enough after every irrigation or shower. All weeds should also be removed in this process.
  • Mulching with straw, black polythene and many other materials has been found beneficial in moisture conservation, in controlling weeds and some diseases and in bettering the quality and yield.

Weedicides used in tomato

Stages of Application
i) Pre plant soil incorporation (Trans planted crop) Diphenamid


Nitralin / trifluralin
4-6 kg/ha

0.75-1.0 kg/ha

0.75-1.0 kg/ha
Determine safe interval between transplanting tomato and herbicide application for each situation. Usually 4-6 weeks interval is considered appropriate
ii) Preplant surface application Alachlor




1.0-1.25 kg/ha

1.25 kg/ha

0.35 kg/ha

1.0 kg/ha

1.0 kg/ha
iii) Pre emergence (in direct seeded crop) Alachlor



1-2 kg/ha

0.2-0.35 kg/ha

4-6 kg/ha

4-6 kg/ha
Can be attempted also in tomato

Should not be used in glass houses


Do not use on high pH soils. Also do not tank- mix fertilisers with it.
iv) Post- transplant Metribuzin


0.35-0.5 kg/ha

0.12-0.56 kg/ha

0.22-0.45 kg/ha
Apply only after the transplants are well established.

Use only in the event perennial grasses pose problem

Useful against annual grasses
v) Post emergence Metribuzin 0.28-0.5 kg/ha Apply when the crop is in 4-6 leaf stage



  • Staking plants has proved to be beneficial in the cultivation of tomato.
  • In case of indeterminate varieties the yield and quality have improved and more so in rainy and winter seasons where the incidence of some of the diseases of fruit and foliage is also reduced.
  • It was observed that staked plants gave significantly more yield/plant than the unstaked, unpruned plants.
  • Staking will prevent the fruits coming in contact with wet soil thereby rotting of fruit is prevented.
  • In the normal system of planting, the seedlings are planted on the sides of the ridges and if left unstaked the fruits will rot by coming in contact with the wet soil.



  • Pruning and training of tomato plants are practiced in American and European countries, but it has not become popular in our country except in some F1 hybrids, because of non-consistent results at various places and the cost involved therein.
  • Some of the growth-regulating chemicals have shown useful results on experimental basis but commercial utilization needs to be exploited.
  • Spray of gibberellic acid (50 ppm) at the fruit-setting stage increased the ascorbic acid content.

