

  • Small and marginal farmers dispose their produce to local market.
  • Commercial producers take the produce to market yards.
  • In tomato marketing middle man plays a vital role and grab 20-30% cost of cultivation for marketing.
  • Even in regulated market yards also commission agents play vital role and charge 10% commission against Govt. rate of 4% only.
  • Including weighment and commission charges farmer is loosing around 20 % income

Profit from one tone of tomato supply to market

Initial weight
1000 kg
10% loss due weighment error
100 kg
Net weight
900 kg
Assume the cost of tomato Rs 4/kg
Rs 3,600
Commission 10%
Rs 360
Net amount
Rs 3,240
Unloading charges Rs 1/item
Rs 33
Net amount received by farmer
Rs 3,207

As per Govt. rules

1000 kg
Assume the cost of tomato Rs 4/kg
Rs 4,000
Commission 4 %
Rs 160
Net amount
Rs 3,840
Net amount received by farmer
Rs 3,840

Suggested measures for better returns from marketing of tomatos

  • The commission agent should be made to charge commission according to Govt. rule
  • Weighment errors at market yard and farmers field should not be there.
  • Farmers themselves have to form into co-operatives for marketing produce.
  • Govt. should announce minimum support price to rescue the farmer at the time of gluts in the market
  • The farmers themselves restrict the area under cultivation to avoid market gluts.
  • The market yards should have cold storage facilities.
  • Establishment of processing units at important centers of tomato production.

