
Crisis Management

  • To overcome the financial crisis of the groundnut growers provision of credit facilities through financial institutions to undertake complete package of practices for groundnut cultivation. Extending the facility of issuing 'Kissan credit system' to the groundnut growers as followed in banana.
  • Application of insufficient quantities organic manure to build organic content of soil thereby to sustain the soil health.
  • Application of recommended dose of any one of the following organic manures viz., FYM, enriched FYM, compost, bio-compost, pressmud, composted coirpith, vermi-compost, sugarcane trash compost, etc. may be followed for each crop in rotation based on their availability. In case of non-availability of the above sources, raise green manure like sunnhemp and daincha and incorporate in situ. Incorporation of green leaf manure and recycling of crop residues may also be followed to sustain the soil health.
  • To avoid non-availability of quality seeds of improved varieties, seed village concept is to be adopted to maintain the seed linkage.
  • High cost of inputs leads to non-adoption of optimum dose to the groundnut crop.Recommended dosage of inputs per unit area is not available as such in the market, which leads to non- adoption of recommended technology.
  • The packets should be manufactured and supplied based on per unit area recommendation.
  • Limited usage of herbicides in groundnut production.
  • Creating awareness through training programme and conviction building demonstration for large scale adoption.
  • Non-availability of nutrient components like borax and ammonium sulphate at the village levels does not permit the groundnut growers for large scale adoption of nutrient spray.
  • Making available of nutrient solution in ready-made packets will pave the way for easy and large scale adoption of recommended technology.
  • Interrupted power supply particularly during critical stages in summer groundnut reduces the crop yield considerably.Assured power supply may help to solve the problem.
  • Other management practices such as mulching, different land configuration technique, sprinkler irrigation may also help to reduce the detrimental effects of moisture stress.
  • Use of anti-transpirants like kaolin, KCl may help to overcome the ill effects of drought.
  • Non-availability of IPM components particularly NPV, pheromone traps, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and plant products.
  • Private entrepreneurs should be encouraged to set up production units at each block level.
  • Non-availability of sufficient number of sprayers in working condition at village level. Creating awareness about repair and maintenance of spraying equipment for effective usage.
  • Scarcity in the availability of farm labour during important field operations and high wage rate. Use of labour saving implements like groundnut decorticator, TNAU improved seed drill, weeders, harvester, thresher and drier. These implements can be maintained as community input at panchayat level.
  • Conventional method of storage deteriorates the seed quality especially the viability, which leads to poor germination in the field.Improved storage structures should be made available at village levels at least as community input.
  • Wide fluctuation in marketing price. Procurement policy should protect the farmers to get assured price for their produce as in sugarcane.

