
Management Time Table

Nursery Preparation and Management for Transplanted Rice (For one ha)


-7 to 10 days (before sowing)

  • Plough 750 Sq.m area, saturate the field with water and do leveling and weeding. At last drain out excess water.
  • For dry seed bed prepare seed beds of 7 m length, 1.5 m breadth and 10 cm height.

-3 days (before sowing)

  • Select good seeds and soak them in (1%) salt solution to separate immature seeds, which float. The well-settled seeds are washed with clean water.
  • Seed treatment with fungicide and biofertilizer. Seed rate @ 62 kg/ha


  • Seeds are soaked for 24 hrs in water.


  • Seeds are kept for 36-48 hrs in warm place until they start germinating. Germinated seeds are used for sowing.
  • Basal application of 2.5 kg of FYM, 450 g Ammonium sulphate, (90 g N), 280 g super phosphate (45 g P) and 75 g murate of potash (45 g K) or equivalent other fertilizers for dry seed bed and / 1 kg N, 0.4 kg P and 0.5 kg K along with 250 kg of FYM for every 100 Sq.m. of wet seed bed and mixed well in soil.


  • Sowing of sprouted seeds on the raised nursery; protect the seeds from rain


  • Weed management (if needed). Care is taken so that seedbed won’t dry up nor should give excess water.


  • Pest / disease management practices and top dressing with 0.3 to 0.6 kg of N for every 100 sq.m.


  • Pulling out the seedlings
  • Apply 20 kg gypsum a day before pulling out of seedling if soil is heavy clay


Main Field Preparation and Management Time Table (For one ha)


3 weeks before transplanting

  • Plough the field, apply 7 tonnes of FYM or 10 tonnes of green manure, irrigate the field
    and decompose it.
  • Drainage should be provided in clay soils.
  • After application of fertilizer, movement of water from one bed to another is prevented.


  • Puddling and trimming of bunds

-1day(before or at transplanting)

  • 50% N and full dose of P and K fertilizer is applied to soil before transplanting.
  • Biofertilizer can be applied based on the


  • Seedling root treatment With Pseudomonas
    @ 1.5 kg + Azospirillum 1 kg
  • Transplanting: For Jaya, Sona, Vani, Prakash, IR20, Vikram and Pragathi varieties 2 to 3 seedlings are planted per hill with 20 cm row spacing and 10 cm apart.
  • If row spacing is not followed maintain 50 hills/sq.m. But Madhu, Pushpa and in Mangala varieties requires 67 hills/sq.m.


  • First top dressing with 25% of N


  • Weedicide application: Mix the recommended chemical with sand and apply over a thin film of water. Do not drain water for 2-3 days.


  • First hand weeding (if Weedicide is not applied)

Just before tillering

  • Top dressing with remaining 25% of N


  • Second hand weeding (if needed)


  • Thin film of water at planting; raise the
    level according to the plant height and maintain 5 cm of water level during crop
    growth. Stop irrigation 10 days before

Pest and Disease Management

  • Need based IPM

110-115(Short duration)

135-140 (Medium Duration)

155-160 (Long Duration)

  • Harvesting, Reduce moisture content to 12-13 percent in the harvested grains

